Latest Gran Turismo 7 Update Boosts Event Rewards
A little more than a month after the initial release, “Gran Turismo 7” has just received new patches, and this one is very large. Circuits, missions, gifts, and changes in new quality of life are being introduced as part of this update. Patch seems to discuss some of the problems “Gran Turismo 7” players with the game and potentially lower the milled which has become the title. Now, the big question is – Can this patch still keep the game, or too little, it’s too late? Although “Gran Turismo 7” arrived as part of a very successful series, this seems to only contribute to how disappointed fans with certain aspects of the game. It is true that the iteration of this digital polyphony racing simulator has its disadvantages. This game is full of microtransactions to advance, requiring online games even when you play alone, and force players to be grounded as opposed to natural developments.
The Gran Turismo 7 patch brings a lot of quality-of-life changes
This update brings “Gran Turismo 7” to version 1.11 and must affect the economy in the game quite a lot, it might make it easier for players to get credit. Patch also raised the maximum lid for credit in the game with extraordinary quantities, ranging from 20 million to 100 million. Even though the patch does not carry a new car or track, it is still quite heavy, starting from the 1GB sign on the Playstation 5 and 4. which only shows how many things are packaged this polyphony.
Three new world circuits are being added: Touring Car 600 Tokyo Expressway East clockwise, World Touring Car 700 24 Heures du Mans Racing Circuit, and World Touring Car 800 Sardegna Road Track A. In addition, gifts in the last part of the world circuit have been Increases, and adjusted for arcade and special races. Cleaning all circuit layouts in gold or bronze will now give gifts. If you have done it, just enter the sector selection screen and then exit – you will get a prize that is due. The lobby and daily races also see increased gifts.